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Can a Felon Drive for Uber?


Drivers, who want to be driver partners of Uber, have to attend a screening process, before they are taken in. Checkr is the company involved in the process of screening. The driver has to provide his Social Security Number and the number of his driver’s license for a check. However, there are no charges made on the screening test, neither is a credit check made on him. The test results are announced after a week.

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Get a Job Offer by Avoiding These Mistakes: Don't Sabotage Your Career Chances by Doing the Wrong Thing


End of the job interview, end of the job offer? For some candidates that might be so. Here's a look at what not to do after the interview.

Job seekers are frequently provided advice on how to dress, how to behave, how to design their resume and how to handle interview questions, all in an effort to win over an employer. However, where many candidates are failing to advance in the hiring process is when it comes to the actual job offer itself.

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